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Project events

Multiplier events:​


​INCOLLAB International Conferences 2021


A series of International Conferences under the banner “Innovative Interdisciplinary Collaborative Approaches to Learning and Teaching” (INCOLLAB) took place in 2021 hosted by CTU. These meetings of scholars, researchers, and educators offered a unique opportunity to discuss the current trends in collaborative interdisciplinary learning and teaching.  It included the following events:





Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Innovative Teaching Approaches (international seminar)​


In the project we originally planned an international seminar to be held in Budapest on  June 8 - 10, 2020​, which had to be postponed because of travel restrictions due to COVID 2019


We organised instead the following multiplier events at Budapest Business School:​




The 2 events brought together a total of 80 educators and experts, including staff from partner institutions. These 2 events have contributed to establish a network of educators and researchers committed to improving the quality of teaching in higher education and beyond while adopting innovative digital solutions.


Besides introducing the modules at our own institutions, we found necessary to give information about them to students outside BBS. Moreover, we wished to „contagiate” students with the idea of CLIL in Higher education, and make them familiar with the innovative INCOLLAB materials. Inspired by the multiplier event serving as an examle, held at CTU, we focused on (1) prospective students; and (2) foreign students, since we identified it as a key for further successful implementation of the project, in order to multiply the project results. Therefore, we organized 2 additional events at BBS:


  • Learn about our project results - interactive workshops about studying languages and content at Budapest Business School.

    • The VIP event for prospective BBS students in Hungarian took place on the 28th of January 2022.

    • The international event in English held on the 16th of February 2022 was attended by Hungarian and foreign BBS students and by exchange foreign students from our Erasmus partner universities.


For information about further dissemination events, see the News section of the webpage. 

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